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Arizona Solar Center Blog

Commentary from Arizona Solar Center Board Members and invited contributors.

While blog entries are initiated by the Solar Center, we welcome dialogue around the posted topics. Your expertise and perspective are highly valued -- so if you haven't logged in and contributed, please do so!

Jim Arwood served six Arizona governors in various capacities managing federal energy programs, culminating in his appointment by then Governor Janet Napolitano, as Director of the State Energy Office in 2006. After nearly 25 years serving the state of Arizona, Mr. Arwood retired from government service in 2010 and today consults for a variety of energy related organizations. He also serves as Director of Communications for the Arizona Solar Center.

The Story of the Year is Fake

“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”  --Winston Churchill

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18315 Hits

Were these the good old days?

The future is not what it used to be.

In the 1990s, the push for electric vehicles gained momentum in response to national security concerns over our reliance on imported fuels and tailpipe emissions.

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14550 Hits

There is No Plan(et) B

Climate change is no longer an issue that our politicians can kick down the road for someone else to deal with at some point in the future.

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11686 Hits

High Noon

Nearly 40 years ago, President Carter proclaimed the dawn of the solar age. But that proclamation may have been a little premature.

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12231 Hits

We are all frogs

The parable of the frog and boiling water is hundreds of years old. It has been used throughout history as a metaphor for circumstances in life when people are unable to see gradual change around them.

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11347 Hits

The Politics of Climate Change

Four years ago the issue of climate change did not come up even once in the three presidential debates between President Obama and his Republican rival, Mitt Romney.

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10071 Hits

An erosion of principled responsibility

Whatever happened to Arizona’s support for policies to protect our environment? Where has our sense of environmental responsibility gone?

Recent Comments
James Pitre
In 2009, my wife and I decided to do something about our energy. I took a course in solar PV installation and became a certified i... Read More
Sunday, 19 June 2016 08:00
Striker Rich
SRPs rate plan is no different than a factory using child labor to make their products. They are profitting hugely off the backs o... Read More
Thursday, 07 July 2016 09:41
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10800 Hits

A Burning Issue

This year the Tucson Solar Potluck will be celebrating the art of solar cooking for the 34th consecutive year with a gathering of solar chefs at Catalina State Park on April 30.

Recent Comments
Jim Stack
Solar ovens are great with no rate plan or net metering to worry about. They keep food moist and healthy. I know I have 4 types of... Read More
Sunday, 24 April 2016 12:34
Jim Stack
We are having a Solar Cookout in Tempe for the greater Phoenix area on May 5th,2016 Come join us. It's FREE and FUN. Come Enjoy th... Read More
Saturday, 30 April 2016 07:50
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10418 Hits

Earth Day: Education at its roots

Earth Day is April 22nd.  This marks the 46th Earth Day, and over the years it has taken on many different meanings for many different people.

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Jim Stack
quote=most Americans don't have a clue. Lucky most don't need to know the Science, they just have to care about others and our 1 W... Read More
Sunday, 17 April 2016 08:01
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11347 Hits

The Promise of Solar

A decade ago Governor Napolitano asked me to present at an energy forum of the National Governors Association taking place in Wilmington, Delaware.

Recent Comments
Jim Stack
Question: What is the promise of renewable energy? The promise is that it can supply more energy at less cost than any other form... Read More
Saturday, 26 March 2016 20:45
John Barber
And in recent news, APS sent out an RFP to acquire 400-600 megawatts of additional capacity. Why are they advocating restriction... Read More
Sunday, 27 March 2016 08:11
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12682 Hits

The Energy Story of the 21st Century

The chaotic political season that has defined the 2016 presidential campaign experienced a jolt over the Presidents' Day weekend with the passing of Justice Scalia.

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Jim Stack
Speaking of judges. I just read a book about the break up of the Bell System and Bell Labs. By the way Bell Labs was the group tha... Read More
Friday, 26 February 2016 11:21
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11780 Hits

The Times They Are a Changing (Redux)

This marks my 40th year working in the renewable energy space that is solar energy.

Recent Comments
Mark Mardon
Yes, yes, I was there at Phoenix College when you organized Sun Day and brought awareness to the campus. Rock on!
Wednesday, 27 January 2016 08:34
Jim Stack
40 years from now is a long way to predict. EVen a year can be hard to get right. But as your message noted there will be Energy s... Read More
Saturday, 06 February 2016 19:06
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11856 Hits

The Two Faces of the Corporation Commission

It's not that I wanted to stay silent on the whole Corporation Commission mess...

Recent Comments
Jim Stack
Question: Has the Arizona Corporation Commission lost the trust of Arizonans? If so, what can be done to restore that trust? Answ... Read More
Sunday, 20 December 2015 19:48
Jim Stack
JC ,Looks like your company only does Hot Water systems and the AZCC and even utilities are fine with Solar Hot Water but don't le... Read More
Saturday, 02 January 2016 09:26
Jim Stack
Here is a talk by the head of the Government FERC telling how Solar PV was growing. It's interesting to note the SRP is under the ... Read More
Monday, 11 January 2016 17:22
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12509 Hits

Climate Change Politics Heats Up

In the Spring of 1987, Ray Harm sat on the veranda of his solar-powered ranch house on the edge of arroyo in Browns Canyon -- explaining climate change to me.

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Jim Stack
Question: Do you believe that climate change is going to be a priority issue in next year's Presidential election? I can only pray... Read More
Sunday, 29 November 2015 09:35
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12984 Hits

Thanksgiving Reflections

When you have been involved in this industry for five decades, it’s hard to look at where solar energy is today -- compared to where it was in the 1970s -- and not be thankful.

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12702 Hits

What a long strange solar trip it's been. . .

The modern era of the solar energy movement can be traced to the late 1970s.

Recent Comments
Jim Stack
There have been quite a few Solar Pioneers in the Arizona area. The ones who first formed the ASU Arizona Solar Energy Society wer... Read More
Wednesday, 28 October 2015 21:48
Jim Stack
a new report shows AZ is not reaching it's potential, I wonder why? = The report said that California in 2014 attracted more cle... Read More
Wednesday, 11 November 2015 07:12
Jim Stack
Here is the greatest talk on Solar by Michael Crow. Read More
Monday, 23 November 2015 08:09
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12531 Hits


Two years ago the Arizona Solar Center asked me to write this blog as a way to give a voice to people that didn't have a voice in the looming battle over rooftop solar.

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Jim Stack
Question: Who or what has most influenced you and your opinions on solar energy? I was most influenced by GOD who made a perfect w... Read More
Sunday, 18 October 2015 12:34
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13749 Hits

White Flag or Ruse?

In February 2014, the Arizona Republic's Ryan Randazzo wrote about a plan drafted by a political consulting group commissioned by the state's largest utility "to help APS change or alter the Arizona Corporation Commission".

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Jim Stack
Questions: Is this an opportunity to repair the fractured relationship between the utilities and the solar industry, or just a pau... Read More
Monday, 05 October 2015 07:27
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13986 Hits

We're Number 1: The Only State Without An Energy Office

This past month Arizonans witnessed the dismantling of its Energy Office in what was described as a budget saving move.

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Jim Stack
Question: Is there a role for government in the energy field? YES -First they can stop all the subsidies for Fossil fuels and Nu... Read More
Sunday, 13 September 2015 18:41
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11790 Hits

An Energy Transition is Already Underway

Carbon targets aren't anything new. States and local governments have set targets for reducing carbon pollution going back more than a decade.

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Jim Stack
Question: How do we shift the policy debate about the Clean Power Plan from focusing on short-term impacts to the long-term benefi... Read More
Sunday, 16 August 2015 16:35
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10170 Hits